The (Australian) Age
Web reports from the front line
March 28 2003
Best war blogs on location:
The BBC's team of correspondents is reporting from the Gulf and BBC News Online logs their impressions and personal experiences as they watch events unfold.
Ten Washington Post correspondents have been assigned to U.S. military units reporting portraits of life with the troops in the field.
Christian Science Monitor reporter Ben Arnoldy is reporting from Kuwait where he is with the 332nd Air Expeditionary Group.
CNN reporter Kevin Sites has been publishing a weblog from Iraq but has been asked by his employer to suspend publishing for the time being. There is still a lot of quality recent material available on his site, though.
Nate Thayer is covering the war in Iraq for Slate.
What are embedded journalists doing?
Below is a list of the best articles about the process of embedded journalists and the restrictions they face.
1. "Full metal junket: The myth of the objective war correspondent", Slate.
2. "The Hilton's strange embed fellows", Washington Post.
3. "'Embedded' . . . but not 'in bed with'", Washington Times.
4. "How 'embedded' reporters are handling the war", BBC.
5. "Tight lips", ABC.
6. "All embeds are not created equal", Weekly Standard.
7. "Pyle on", Atlantic Monthly.